9 Questions You Can Ask Your Dentist at Your Teeth Cleaning Exam

We know that teeth cleaning in Orlando is a simple dental procedure; however, it is still essential that you visit your dentist ready to ask some questions about cleaning routine. We advise you to brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste; also, flossing daily and avoiding carbohydrates is crucial to keep good oral health. But, can you be more proactive than this? The answer is: yes! Our dentist in Orlando will be fascinated to answer any questions regarding a proper oral care routine. What Can You Ask? When you visit a dental clinic near you every six months for your dental checkup, you may ask the following questions to your dental professional: 1. Am I Taking Good Care of My Teeth? Your dentist hasn’t seen you in six months, so it’s good that you ask him or her how they see your overall oral health. Their answer will help you to maintain the habits you already have, or making some changes for a better oral condition. 2. Can I Get Whiter Teeth? Perhaps your...